Correct Posture Month
Posture month is an annual reminder to find out how your posture has changed over the last year. Posture related back pain problems are the number three reason for all doctor visits in the US.
5 posture principles
-motion -balance -patterns -compensation -adaptation
Posture Ace -awareness -control -environment
Your posture is either strong or weak (not good or bad)
Test Your Balance: Balance Test
1 ) Stand up straight, lift left leg and count to 30.
2) Stop the first time you have to put your foot down. Don’t cheat.
3) Repeat with right leg.
Here’s Why:
If you can’t balance each leg for 30 seconds or you flail your arms to keep from falling then your balance core strength is weak. Weak balance leads to back pain, neck pain, joint stress and poor posture. As people spend more time sitting slumped over a computer or mobile device poor posture is becoming an epidemic. Studies confirm posture has a huge effect on neck and back pain , your appearance, attitude and your overall health.
In conjunction with National Posture Month we are offering a 3 Part Posture Assessmentfor established patients who have not been in for three months or more and for first time patients
History of Correct Posture Month
The purpose of Correct Posture Month that takes place in May is to shed light on the importance of the posture of the human body and to increase awareness regarding the practices we can follow to improve our postures. This is essential because a good or bad posture can have a great impact on our quality of life and can also lead to certain painful health conditions such as persistent upper and lower-back pain. In fact, around 80% of Americans suffer from back pain.
To ensure the living conditions of people suffering from postural issues are improved, the Foundation of Chiropractic Progress and other organizations rooting for the same cause joined hands in 1959 and declared May as National Correct Posture Month. Throughout the month, these organizations focus on providing information regarding correct posture and activities that may be causing damage to your posture. The campaign includes promotions on social media through videos and seminars, as well as partnering up with doctors, trainers, and therapists to spread data regarding the permanent health damage caused by bad posture. Furthermore, websites such as have introduced a 31-day posture challenge that encourages people to opt for daily exercises that will have a positive impact on their posture. After all, it takes a little over a month to bring a change to your posture!
The message put forth by many of these organizations is that a good posture can boost your confidence, uplift your spirits, decrease depression, increase physical activity, and elevate your overall mood.